Coat of arms and logo for Baden-Württemberg State Palaces and GardensCoat of arms and logo for Baden-Württemberg State Palaces and Gardens
Bruchsal Palace
The oldest ecclesiastical Baroque residence on the Upper Rhine
Bruchsal Palace, main courtyard with palace

Lively Baroque and RococoThe buildings

Bruchsal Palace is one of the most beautiful buildings in Kraichgau, not just because of its magnificent interior. Many outbuildings around the palace have been preserved, creating a diverse ensemble that gives insight into how life in a Baroque residence was lived.

Detail of the main courtyard of Bruchsal Palace

The main courtyard of Bruchsal Palace.

The main courtyard

The main courtyard is an atmospheric entrance to Bruchsal Palace. It is delineated by the gate guardhouse, the court assay office and court treasury, and the three wings of the palace. Sunken green areas with water basins decorate it, an unusual touch, since in other palaces, the courtyard was often intended as an empty area for military parades and receptions. The chamber wing to the right housed the financial administration. In the left, outwardly identical wing, Damian Hugo von Schönborn had his palace church.

A glimpse of the Marble Hall of Bruchsal Palace

Lavish Rococo in the Marble Hall.

The palace rooms

Baroque on the ground floor, Rococo above: The palace lives and breathes these two 18th-century styles. In the interior of the main building, the famous stairs by Balthasar Neumann lead up to the Domed Hall and its luminescent paintings. The Royal Hall and Marble Hall create an elegant ambiance. In the frescoes and stucco by Würzburg artists, there are many details to discover.

View from the northwest into the garden, with Bruchsal Palace in the background

View of the palace along the garden axis.

The garden

Visitors who enter the garden from the lower entrance will see another side of the palace: colorful and festive. Both the palace facade and the former orangery are ornately painted. As it was 300 years ago, the path along the central axis is still surrounded by chestnut trees and sandstone sculptures. Winding paths lead through the side areas. Around the palace, potted plants and basins with fountains invite visitors to relax and enjoy themselves.

The garden side of Bruchsal Palace from an elevated perspective

Many buildings were needed to maintain the royal household.

More than 50 buildings for the royal household

More than 50 individual buildings were once part of the palace area, and many have been preserved. Despite new uses, their identity as party of the residence remains clear from their uniform design. The most important buildings, placed close to the palace, are painted to resemble brickwork. To this day, the site clearly shows visitors the extent of a royal household: officials and workshops, outbuildings and stables, apartments for court staff, and even a hospital and seminary for priests.

When viewing the facade of the main building, look up: in the corners are golden dragons. They show the Baroque love of fanciful Asian motifs.

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